Build back ever better Build Back Ever Better

Inspiring the world to build back ever better



Be Kind To Your Mind

We're all familiar with the phrase "it's a marathon, not a sprint". But some days and weeks it sure does feel like we're all trying to...

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Une fille de 11 ans de Mumbai crée une application pour « encourager » les gens à agir contre le changement climatique

Les jeunes générations s'engagent pour agir contre le changement climatique, bel exemple de cette jeune fille indienne!

Pour encourager les gens à faire leur part pour protéger l’environnement, une fille de 11 ans de Mumbai a créé une application pour...…

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El Puerto Tarragona adjudica la instalación de 578 paneles fotovoltaicos que producirán 263 kWh, el 26% del consumo eléctrico del Muelle de Cost

Los paneles se instalarán en la cubierta del nuevo Museo del Puerto y se prevé que generarán un ahorro anual de casi 32.000 €.

Con esta nueva instalación del Museo, el Puerto de Tarragona continúa con la implementación efectiva de su Plan de Sostenibilidad-Agenda...…

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Incendi: Italia prima in Ue per numero di roghi e seconda per ettari bruciati quest’anno

Nell'anno dei record sportivi, economici e musicali un primato di cui il nostro paese avrebbe fatto volentieri a meno.

In Italia, dall’inizio dell’anno a oggi, sono bruciati 102.933 ettari di terreno, un'area grande quanto 140mila campi da calcio. Si...…

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Offset A Hipster

Ten Trees is a Canadian apparel retailer who plants 10 trees for every products sold. Beyond that, their products use sustainable...

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Youth Recovery Plan

Aug. 12 was International Youth Day. So it is fitting to acknowledge and recognize the driving force of the younger generations in...

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Luchemos contra la sequia

El mayor error de definir el agua como bien escaso radica en verla como algo perecedero. «No es cierto que cada vez haya menos», aclara...…

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Los envíos verdes se imponen

¿Qué está impidiendo un comercio sostenible por internet? Los nuevos hábitos de consumo por la red: compras compulsivas y entregas en 24...

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Ranking de los ríos más contaminados del mundo

Durante décadas el ser humano ha tratado muchos de los ríos del planeta como alcantarillas, veamos los que más han sufrido.

Los ríos más contaminados del planeta: Yamuna, afluente del río Ganges, Río Salween, Río de la Plata, Río Danubio, Río Grande, Río...…

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A silver worth fighting for

Filipino boxer Nesthy Petecio's path to the Tokyo Olympics became uncertain after the sporting world ground to a halt due to the COVID-19...

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Creating, sharing and inspiring change. For good.

The global issues we face are challenging and interconnected. They can seem insurmountable. But if you know where to look, co-operation, positive change and hope are all around us. Build Back Ever Better is a project that recognises the progress being made, and the amazing people who are making a difference. Share your own hopes, pledges and projects with #BBEB, or become a contributor.

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