Build back ever better Build Back Ever Better

Inspiring the world to build back ever better



Confeti, vuelves a mi

Saben que yo también tengo un grillito que me habla quedito pero constantemente así como Pinocho o Mulán ...así que había dejado...

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УНИЦЕФ стартира кампания за дигитална грамотност - “Ново поколение с критично мислене”

Какво е да си грамотен в 21 век?

В Деня на светите братя Кирил и Методий, на българската азбука, просвета и култура и на славянската...

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Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente 5 junio

El Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente se centra en la restauración de ecosistemas con el lema "Reimagina, recrea, restaura.

Invertir en los ecosistemas es invertir en nuestro futuro. El Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente 2021, que este año cuenta con Pakistán como...…

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Para los primeros cuidados de mi hijo desde luego leí un libro ...los que me conocen entendieron la broma...y me espanté cuando leí su...

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La palabra LED es un acrónimo formado por las iniciales inglesas de Light Emitting Diode (diodo emisor de luz). De este modo, se trata de...

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RipuliAmoci Challenge fa tappa a Udine

Sabato è anche previsto bel tempo, perché non partecipare?


Ripulire Udine dai rifiuti abbandonati. Questo l'obiettivo della maxi giornata ecologica fissata per sabato 29 maggio. La chiamata al...…

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Luxury fashion brand Valentino will be fur-free by 2022

Luxury fashion brand Valentino has confirmed that it will be completely fur-free by 2022 as part of a new eco drive within the company.

Like so many other designers, Valentino knows that using fur makes brands look outdated and out of touch, and fur industry certification...…

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Mea culpa

I saw a photograph of a turtle with a plastic straw in its nose, that image haunts me ... Mea culpa ... I have never been able to drink...

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10 consejos para la protección animal

Actualmente, cerca del 40% de las especies animales del planeta corren peligro de desaparecer.

Gran parte de este porcentaje se debe a las consecuencias que la acción del ser humano acarrea a la naturaleza y a la biodiversidad que...…

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Las profesiones del futuro

Y es que según los expertos, el 85% de las profesiones que estarán disponibles en 2030 aún no existen. Estas previsiones siempre tienen...

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The Saudi Green Initiative

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman this week announced two ambitious projects that aim to reverse environmental degradation and...

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Town or Country

A recent documentary in NZ relating to the loss of fertile soils, and the driving out of local growers as a result of the growing demand...

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Paradores: Turismo de sostenibilidad y descubrimiento

¿Y si aprovecháramos la pospandemia para elegir el turismo más respetuoso con las personas y con el planeta?

Nuestra necesidad de descanso y conexión con la naturaleza se puede satisfacer al mismo tiempo que nuestros deseos de cultura y...…

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Por fin llovió

Me quedé sin luz y sin internet pero aunque fue complicado trabajar esta vez sólo daba las gracias a Dios ...¿por qué? porque fue por una...

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Reacción en cadena

Hace poco hice un experimento...recogí sargazo y basura en la playa ...enseguida llegaron dos familias a colocarse en el espacio que...

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Dejemos de comprar basura

Yo me pregunto si de verdad hay alguien que compré esas frutas super empacadas para comérsela sin lavarlas antes...a mi, mi mamá me...

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Tiempo de acciones

Ya perdí la cuenta de toda la información que he leído acerca de lo que podríamos hacer para cuidar nuestro planeta...ahora es tiempo de...

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Malta’s first solar pavement

Malta will have the first solar pavement in the Rabat belvedere. As a result of this pilot project, 40% of the street lighting will be...…

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a "Man Day".... seriously?

I have been in this industry for more than 30 years and have been pondering this term for some time.  Especially over the past few...

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A built back better world

I asked my five year old daughter if she would draw a picture of what she thought the world would look like if it were ‘built back...

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Make the world bloom!

While a year ago there was such a shortage in face masks that people started sewing reusable  mouth and nose protections, today such...

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Fórum de Alto Nível sobre Sustentabilidade e Turismo

Luís Araújo, presidente da Comissão Europeia de Viagens, defende que a preocupação com pessoas deve estar no centro da agenda do turismo.

Durante o fórum, decorreram três painéis de discussão sobre a qualificação dos trabalhadores do setor, a transformação digital e o...…

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Cada gota cuenta

Recuerdo aquellos comerciales en los 80´s de ¡Amanda , ciérrale!...y tristemente le cerramos todos ...en 2018 me obligaron a tomar...

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Rabbits move in, penguins die

Many people don't realize the impact of the introduction of seemingly harmless species, certainly our European ancestors in the 1800's...

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1m2 contra la basuraleza

¿Te animas a participar? Los colegas de Intertek en España se juntarán para luchar contra los residuos mediante el conocimiento, la...

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Living with the Virus

There is indeed nothing more on our heads than the coronavirus and how it has shaped our lives. After all, it is the pandemic of our...

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Inaugurada no passado dia 2 de Maio, já é possível atravessar a Ponte Suspensa 516 AROUCA no Arouca Geoparque Mundial da UNESCO.

Com 516 metros cumprimento e 175 metros de altura, esta ponte pedonal suspensa liga as margens do rio Paiva e permite apreciar, a uma...…

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¿Qué es sustentabilidad?

La sustentabilidad es en realidad “un proceso” que tiene por objetivo encontrar el equilibrio entre el medio ambiente y el uso de los...

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Mental Health Awareness Week

This week marks Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK, which has become the biggest health awareness week since its inception 20 years...

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Ikea buys back furniture to cut landfill waste

Ikea is joining a trend for buying secondhand goods. It is promoting a circular model of consumption.

All retailers have to take this movement seriously. We have to remain relevant. “Companies that don’t really follow this and work with...…

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Ethical consumers choose sustainability

Numerous studies since the start of the pandemic have shown that shoppers are focused on protecting the planet. How do you think?

Consumers are increasingly scrutinising the global economy, strongly influenced by sustainable sourcing, manufacturing and distribution...…

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RipuliAMOci challenge

Un piccolo gesto per una comunità più pulita, prossimi appuntamenti:

  • Sabato 15 Maggio 2021- San Daniele del Friuli - Udine
  • Sabato 15 Maggio...
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Reducing diapers in landfill

Young minds thinking outside the box with respect to the environment- a new twist on an old problem.

Women’s Health Needs To Be Prioritised Post-Covid

The Dublin Central TD made the comments at the launch of the Green Party’s road map for improved maternal care in post-Covid Ireland.

Prior to the onset of the Covid-19 global pandemic, we were all acutely aware of the improvements needed across a range of issues...…

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Universidade de Coimbra lança a campanha “Salvar o Futuro"

A iniciativa pretende mobilizar e incentivar pessoas e instituições a agir, partilhando soluções que promovam o Desenvolvimento Sustentável.

A sustentabilidade é a resposta para o desafio das nossas vidas: o de deixarmos um Mundo mais justo e seguro, a nível ambiental,...…

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Avec la future Ferme des Hauts et l'existant à Repainville, le maraîchage urbain poursuit son développement à Rouen.

Rapprocher les citadins de la terre et de faire office de support pédagogique et de lien social.

Pommes de terre, carottes, poireaux pousseront bientôt à deux pas des tours du quartier des Hauts de Rouen. L'idée de La Ferme des Hauts...…

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¿Pagaríamos menos si toda la electricidad fuera renovable?

El coste medio de producir electricidad renovable ha bajado considerablemente gracias a las políticas de estímulo a las energías limpias.

Si toda la energía que consumimos hoy procediera de fuentes renovables y estuviese lista la tecnología para almacenarla y distribuirla,...…

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L'Europa e il Cibo

Studio della Fondazione Barilla, realizzato attraverso un'elaborazione dei dati del Food Sustainability Index, che analizza tre aspetti...

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Ikea starts buy-back scheme offering vouchers for old furniture

IKEA roll out buy back scheme and start selling preloved furniture as part of their commitment to be circular company by 2030

IKEA'S new buy back scheme has finally launched in stores today - and shoppers can cash in up to £250 if they use it.

Amazing initiative...

Advantix (U.S.)—Air-conditioning using saltwaterAir conditioners use about 5 percent of all electricity produced in the United States. As...

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The Italian sneaker

Da un'azienda fiorentina le sneaker sostenibili, vegane e cruelty free. Ottenuti dalle bucce delle mele, dagli scarti dell'uva e delle...…

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Sustainable fashion: your guide to eco-aware shopping

You may have interest in this checklist of how to approach shopping for clothing with a more environmentally friendly mindset.

I think designing with a carbon number is going to become a really interesting way to talk about the topic of sustainability in the future

Accessibility as Standard

When buying a product as a blind person, I need to check that it will be accessible to me. Apple are leading the pack, I know that I can...

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Compensa la CO2

Un piccolo gesto può fare la differenza.

Scopri tutte le aree in cui sta per nascere un nuovo bosco....

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Reforesting Mt. Charleston

Most people associate Las Vegas with desert and neon lights, but less than an hour away is Mt. Charleston, a mountain that peaks at...

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Conférence européenne des humanités, 5-7 mai à Lisbonne, sous les auspices du Portugal et de l’UNESCO

Evènement à suivre. Les sciences humaines peuvent apporter des réponses et des solutions innovantes notamment sur le long terme

L’UNESCO et le Portugal organisent du 5 au 7 mai depuis Lisbonne la Conférence européenne des humanités pour replacer les sciences...…

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Creating, sharing and inspiring change. For good.

The global issues we face are challenging and interconnected. They can seem insurmountable. But if you know where to look, co-operation, positive change and hope are all around us. Build Back Ever Better is a project that recognises the progress being made, and the amazing people who are making a difference. Share your own hopes, pledges and projects with #BBEB, or become a contributor.

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